On the date of publishing this the UK has been in lockdown for 4 weeks. It's certainly been a time of change and after celebrating my nieces birthday over a zoom call and spending the Easter weekend without friends and family it's becoming a strange time.
I feel very lucky. I can connect to my friends and family using the many wonders of modern technology. I send and receive photos on my phone, make face time calls on my laptop and have countless WhatsApp groups going to keep me in contact with people.
Not everyone has this luxury though and some don't have the technology to keep in touch. It's not just that but with the added stresses and strains this situation can bring, it might mean that people also need something more than just a text.
I've put this little selection of cards together as I think it is important that we bridge this physical gap that we are all experiencing and reach out and cheer up someones day with a card and a few words of encouragement, happiness and love.
I hope it inspires you to send a card, make a difference to someone and bring some hope and joy in this uncertain time.
Stay safe, Christine x
I feel so sorry for all the kids that didn't get to say goodbye to their school friends and got upended without really understanding what was going on because of COVID-19. They might be feeling scared, out of sorts, out of routine and finding it hard to adjust to this new way of life. This card is perfect to tell them they are doing a great job!
A lovely little card to say hello. Little plant pots house some pretty flowers to brighten up someones day. Perfect to say a quick hello or just a note to check they are doing ok.
This card presents a lovely bunch of flowers in an envelope which is the perfect sentiment right now. The Spring flowers are perfect for this time of year too. Each one of these cards is hand finished in gold pen to make them extra special.
A card that fully celebrates someone. There are a lot of people out there at the moment doing amazing things. Why not thank them with a sparkly gold rosette? This one is also great for those who might need a bit of reminding about how great they are.
It's such a hard time not seeing your dearest people at this time. This card is so versatile that it could be given for Mum's birthday, to cheer her up or simply to say you are thinking of her. Whatever the sentiment, this card will cover it.
Here's not forgetting those Dads you are missing too. This one is sure to cheer him up.
If one card just isn't enough for you and you prefer some writing paper and envelopes then we also have some writing sets available which also make a nice gift as they are packaged in a really nice sturdy card box.
Our postcard set is proving popular too as you don't have to think of too much to say if writing doesn't come easily. These are the perfect little pick me up for someone.
I hope this small post has inspired you to send a card and generate some positive feelings for someone which will in turn bring some positivity and hope back to you!
It is a lovely way to spend some free time so choose carefully, write with your heart and spread some positivity and cheer!